Step 1: Complete the two free foundation modules.
Step 2: Decide which of the 22 individual modules you wish to complete, or access all 22 modules (discounts apply).
Step 3: Access and read the Core content of the module
Step 4: Access and attempt the multiple choice questions in the Test yourself section of the module. You will have two attempts to achieve a pass mark of 75% or more.
Step 5: Read through the example enquiry and the real enquiries, in the Test yourself section.
Step 6: Record your CPD points.
All EMIT modules will automatically track your progress. Each time you log in you can pick up where you left off.
EMIT modules
The foundation modules Communication and Resources must be completed before accessing the 22 subject modules.
Each subject module comprises two sections:
1. Core content
- Introduction
- Information about the subject including the most commonly asked questions
- Questions to ask the enquirer for further information
- Resources
2. Test yourself (CPD)
- Subject knowledge multiple choice test questions; successful completion allows you to claim accredited CPD Group-2 points
- An example enquiry and corresponding answer
- Real enquiries; in this section we'll ask you to consider further questions for the enquirer and the resources you might use to answer each enquiry.
- Each module includes learning objectives mapped to the National Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists in Australia, 2016. Each subject is accredited for Group 1 CPD & almost all modules are also accredited for Group 2 CPD.
Which modules should I complete?
EMIT modules are grouped into three broad categories:
Essential toolkit: Administration of medicines, Pharmacokinetics, Drug interactions, Adverse drug reactions, Medicines in renal disease, Medicines in liver disease, Paediatrics, Compatibility of parenteral medicines, Drugs in pregnancy, Drugs in breastfeeding, Complementary and alternative therapies, Excipients, Availability and regulatory processes.
Specialist subjects: Mental health, Palliative care, Substance misuse and dependence, Immunisation, Travel, Hormonal contraception, Toxicology.
Skill set: Critical evaluation, Ethical dilemmas.
We recommend that students, interns and early career pharmacists complete, at a minimum, the two foundation modules and all of the essential toolkit subjects.
Pharmacists undergoing training to work in Medicines Information will be required to complete all subjects.
Experienced pharmacists wishing to enhance their practice may wish to complete subjects for which they need a refresher or would like to improve their knowledge and skills.
Specialist subjects can also be selected depending on the place of work and patient mix. For example:
- a community pharmacist may wish to complete Immunisation, Travel Medicine, Palliative Care and Hormonal Contraception
- a pharmacist working in a tertiary hospital may elect to complete Mental Health, Palliative Care, Substance Misuse and Dependence and Toxicology.